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An Evening For Creator & Art Lover Meet Together

You are invited to attend this year's ARM"24 Conference in Zimbabwe
IFMSA organises a conference for each of its five regions (Africa, Americas, Europe, Eastern-Mediterranean and Asia-Pacific) annually to provide a platform for medical students to network, engage in discussions, and develop solutions for the most pressing issues of their communities. This year, the ARM conference is hosted by Zimbabwe. The conference allows showcasing Zimbabwe to medical students from all over the continent. It exposes our country's beauty whilst increasing our medical students' capacity as it’s an opportunity for them to attend international meetings through their back door
Where Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
When Monday to Monday December 09-16, 2024
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The Most inspirational Conference For Business.

Grow, scrape their knees, try new things, to be vulnerable, and to have epic adventures together
We’re inviting the top creatives in the tech industry from all over the world to come learn, grow, scrape their knees, try new things, to be vulnerable, and to have epic adventures together, this time both in-person
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